Saturday, 8 September 2007

The Art of Conversation

Some at ease - thoughts and words spill
Like water,
There is no, "Should I have, ought I?"
When so freely, unreservedly, happily,
The self-portrait can be seen so rapidly;
Little effort is required - no trouble in getting hired.

Others displeased; words are seldom, like on
Thoughts are keen - but held back,
Such is the wavering, the wanting, the effect?
Paintings are not nearly so easily let.
Much effort is needed - to have it allows you to mix upon the palette.

Can all be pleased? Perhaps when thinking how to take it,
We should consider who tried to make it,
Whether assured or certainty low,
If found, this can be seen on show.
Art is such a difficult fixture,
But I've tried to paint a picture.

Yet there is no need for unease, as ability is no concern,
As when to God we come to praise, we turn.
God paints the way
For the words we say,
It matters not if we learn that words fail and we mutter,
As the Artist knows what our heart meant before uttered.


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