Saturday, 8 September 2007

The Pureness of Being

Consider, that there existed such a Figure,
So pure, so true - no sin He knew,
For sure His greatness could be no bigger.

So good He was in essence Love.
Yet make no mistake, terror lied in His wake,
When His children transgressed would prove.

A Son, with an innocence that a purity of heart
Would willingly bow to become the created now,
From His pain on the cross He did not run.

A Father - by His very hand,
Led His Son on Earth - saw His birth,
To know His future death. I cannot understand
The mighty depths of God's love above -
The very best.

His Spirit - on Earth He remains
Until near the ending of days,
No Atheist can convince - I'm in it;
But by His works He persuades the better,
For can He not be seen in this letter?

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