Saturday, 8 September 2007

Dark Waters

Who would see
If one tear
Fell in here?

Would someone spy
That in my eye
Some trouble be?

Could someone see
That in the sea,
My own reflections be?

How dark, how deep
The feeling creeps,
Into the heart of me.

The waves toss relentlessly,
They struggle to their end.

Will moods be ever,
Ending never?
Where will life's journey send?

My way uncertain,
There is a guide
Yet by my side -

Of this I'm certain,
When drowning - call,
But He is with me all.


1 comment:

Trojan said...

Rachel - the only guide you have is Jiminy Cricket AKA your conscience - there is no God or Jesus - they are delusions and myths as sure as Odin and Zeus.